Our officers are here to ensure road safety, your safety, and a fair share of parking space and time. Please respect them as they go about their duty on your behalf.
Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs) enforce off-street and on-street car parking in Derbyshire.
This includes:
They will check to see if cars are parked appropriately and if not they will issue a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).
There are set observation periods for a different contravention and CEOs will ask a motorist to move a vehicle, if he/she is in the vehicle prior to issuing a PCN.
Here are some typical contraventions that our CEOs will issue you a penalty charge notice for:
- parking on double yellow lines
- parking on single yellow lines during the times shown on the sign
- parking in a loading bay unless loading or unloading during the times shown
- parking on zig zag markings and pedestrian crossings
- overstaying your time in a limited waiting bay
- overstaying your times in council car parks
- parking in a bus lane or taxi rank
- parking in a disabled parking space unless you display a valid blue badge
CEOs do not have individual discretion when issuing PCNs and will not take any mitigating circumstances (such as a dental appointment overrunning) into account at the time of issue. Any circumstances will be considered by the appeals staff at a later date. This will ensure consistency and prevent CEOs having to make judgement calls in potentially hostile situations.